
What’s the Difference Between a Circuit Breaker and a Fuse Box?

All residential electrical systems have built-in failsafe measures that interrupt the flow of electricity during overload or malfunction. Many older homes have fuse boxes. Modern homes have circuit breaker boxes instead. Although the two serve the same purpose, they work much differently. What Is a Fuse Box? Fuse boxes are metal boxes that function as the central hubs of older electrical systems. They’re often referred to as distribution boards (DBs). Fuse boxes are usually located

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Why is My Arc Fault Breaker Tripping?

An arc fault breaker is designed to protect your home from faulty electrical connections that could cause arcing or sparking. Arc fault breakers provide much more protection than standard circuit breakers and fuses, and they are required in all new construction. Even though arc fault breakers offer more safety than traditional breakers, they are prone to tripping for a number of reasons. While they are designed to do this if they detect any safety issues,

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Can electrical safety inspections help identify hazards?

Much of your home’s electrical system is hidden behind drywall and other building materials. Without a professional inspection, your home could have electrical hazards that pose the threat of electric shock, electrocution, and electrical fires. This is especially true if yours is an older home with an outdated electrical system. Electrical safety inspections identify problems like faulty circuit breakers, damaged wiring insulation, and improper grounding. They also give electricians the chance to correct these issues

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Most Common Electrical Safety Hazards in Florida Homes

Each year, over 1,000 people are killed in electrical accidents. Though electricity is typically a safe part of everyday life, it can become deadly when mishandled. Even small issues like a loose light switch can lead to electrocutions, fires, and other hazards. To stay safe, it’s important to be aware of potential electrical issues. Follow this guide to learn about the most common electrical safety hazards in Orlando and what you can do to address

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How to Bug Proof Electrical Outlets

If you hear a buzzing sound in your home, it’s important to figure out if it’s coming from your electrical outlets. Although it might seem of little consequence, the truth is that it may indicate a much more serious problem. After all, your electricity is made through alternating currents. Did you know that the polarity changes approximately 50 times a second? With a properly operating system, you won’t hear any humming or buzzing noises. However,

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How to Fix a Buzzing Electrical Outlet

If you hear a buzzing sound in your home, it’s important to figure out if it’s coming from your electrical outlets. Although it might seem of little consequence, the truth is that it may indicate a much more serious problem. After all, your electricity is made through alternating currents. Did you know that the polarity changes approximately 50 times a second? With a properly operating system, you won’t hear any humming or buzzing noises. However,

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What causes outlets to stop working?

If you hear a buzzing sound in your home, it’s important to figure out if it’s coming from your electrical outlets. Although it might seem of little consequence, the truth is that it may indicate a much more serious problem. After all, your electricity is made through alternating currents. Did you know that the polarity changes approximately 50 times a second? With a properly operating system, you won’t hear any humming or buzzing noises. However,

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Can an upgraded panel improve energy efficiency?

Upgrading your old panel with a new electrical panel can improve your home’s energy efficiency. A new panel gives you the power you need, when you need it. Thanks to the improved energy efficiency, you may save money on your electric bills over the life of the new panel. Why Your Outdated Panel Is Costing You Money Electrical panels last between 25 and 40 years. There are a few reasons why electrical panels become less

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How do I know if my electrical panel is outdated?

Do you have an old or outdated electrical panel in your home? It may be time to replace it with a new one. When your electrical panel is running properly, your power will be shut off if too much electricity flows through the system, which prevents overheating issues and fires. Outdated electrical panels increase the risk of safety hazards by not working as intended. If you have an older panel in your home, it might

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How to Choose the Right Electrical Panel for Your Home?

Your electrical panel serves as the nerve center for all electricity in your home. Because it contains circuit breakers, it may also be referred to as a breaker box. Replacing or upgrading your electrical panel can allow you to enjoy uninterrupted entertainment and use of appliances inside your Orlando home. Understanding the criteria used to select a properly sized electrical panel will help you make the most appropriate decisions for your home and your family.

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